Tests of Jupyter Book features

Click the .md button under the download icon on the top middle right to see the markdown code for this section. The file theme.css has color assignments and the like. Customize? (See https://jupyterbook.org/advanced/html.html#custom-assets)


To allow you to use ::: fences for admonitions, in order to make them easier to render in interfaces that do not support MyST.



This text is standard Markdown. We’re using the “colon_fence” extension.


Test of “replacements” extension: ®, ® en-dash: – and em-dash: —

Trying “linkify” extension: google.com


Inline: I’m a substitution

Block level:


I’m a substitution




I’m a substitution


definition lists

Term 1


Term 2




Now for some text in between.


Fig. 1 This is a caption in Markdown

Go to the fish!

HTML admonitions

This is the title

This is the content of an admonition.


Some content

A title

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Customized admonitions

Extra credit

An “extra credit” exercise is presented here.


Content of the left panel.


Controlling the look and feel (here the border):

Header A

Body A

Header B

Body B

Header C

Body C

More dropdowns

Turning an admonition into a dropdown (see above as well):

::::{admonition} Question
What is the pdf $p(x)$ if we know **definitely** that $x = x_0$ (i.e., fixed)?
:::{admonition} Answer 
:class: dropdown 
$p(x) = \delta(x-x_0)\quad$  [Note that $p(x)$ is normalized.]


You can include footnotes in your book using standard Markdown syntax. This will include a numbered reference to the footnote in-line, and append the footnote to a list of footnotes at the bottom of the page.

To create a footnote, first insert a reference in-line with this syntax (look at the markdown for how this plays out): 1.

You can define 1 anywhere in the page, though its definition will always be placed at the bottom of your built page.

Quotations and epigraphs

Standard markdown first:

Here is a cool quotation.

From me, Jo the Jovyan

Now with the epigraph admonition. (Epigraphs draw more attention to a quote and highlight its author. You should keep these relatively short so that they don’t take up too much vertical space.)

Here is a cool quotation.

—Jo the Jovyan


Term one

An indented explanation of term 1

A second term

An indented explanation of term2

To reference terms in your glossary, use the {term} role. For example, Term one becomes Term one and A second term becomes A second term.

Tabbed content

My first tab

My second tab with some code!

Margin and sidebar content

You can specify content that should exist in the right margin. This will behave like a regular sidebar until the screen hits a certain width, at which point this content will “pop out” to the right white space. Put the margin syntax at the start of the paragraph you want to add margin content to.

Content sidebars exist in-line with your text, but allow the rest of the page to flow around them, rather than moving to the right margin. As with the margin notes, put the sidebar syntax at the start of the paragraph that will wrap around the sidebar. Note how the content wraps around the sidebar to the right. However, the sidebar text will still be in line with your content. There are certain kinds of elements, such as “note” blocks and code cells, that may clash with your sidebar. If this happens, try using a {margin} instead.


My footnote text.