Solving ODEs with scipy.integrate.solve_ivp#

Solving ordinary differential equations (ODEs)#

Here we will revisit the differential equations solved in 5300_Jupyter_Python_intro_01.ipynb with odeint, only now we’ll use solve_ivp from Scipy. We’ll compare the new and old solutions as we go.

First-order ODE#

# Import the required modules
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp   # Now preferred to odeint

Let’s try a one-dimensional first-order ODE, say:

\(\begin{align} \quad \frac{dv}{dt} = -g, \quad \mbox{with} \quad v(0) = 10 \end{align}\)

in some appropriate units (we’ll use MKS units by default). This ODE can be separated and directly integrated:

\(\begin{align} \int_{v_0=10}^{v} dv' = - g \int_{0}^{t} dt' \quad\Longrightarrow\quad v - v_0 = - g (t - 0) \quad\Longrightarrow\quad v(t) = 10 - gt \end{align}\)

The goal is to find the solution \(v(t)\) as an array v_pts at the times in the array t_pts.

# Define a function which calculates the derivative
def dv_dt_new(t, v, g=9.8):
    """Returns the right side of a simple first-order ODE with default g."""
    return -g   

t_start = 0.
t_end = 10.
t_pts = np.linspace(t_start, t_end, 20)  # 20 points between t=0 and t=10.

v_0 = np.array([10.0])  # initial condition, in form of a list or numpy array

abserr = 1.e-8
relerr = 1.e-8

solution = solve_ivp(dv_dt_new, (t_start, t_end), v_0, t_eval=t_pts,
                     rtol=relerr, atol=abserr)  
    # solve_ivp( function for rhs with (t, v) argument (cf. (v,t) for odeint), 
    #            tspan=(starting t value, ending t value),
    #            initial value of v(t), array of points we want to know v(t),
    #            method='RK45' is the default method,
    #            rtol=1.e-3, atol=1.e-6 are default tolerances
    #          )
v_pts = solution.y  # array of results at t_pts
v_pts.shape   # 1 x 100 matrix (row vector)
(1, 20)

Here’s how we did it before with odeint:

from scipy.integrate import odeint   

# Define a function which calculates the derivative
def dv_dt(v, t, g=9.8):
    """Returns the right side of a simple first-order ODE with default g."""
    return -g   

t_pts = np.linspace(0., 10., 20)     # 20 points between t=0 and t=10.
v_0 = 10.  # the initial condition
v_pts_odeint = odeint(dv_dt, v_0, t_pts)  # odeint( function for rhs, 
                                          #         initial value of v(t),
                                          #         array of t values )
v_pts_odeint.shape   # 100 x 1 matrix (column vector)
(20, 1)

Make a table comparing results (using flatten() to make the matrices into arrays):

print('    t     v(t) [solve_ivp]    v(t) [odeint]')
for t, v_solve_ivp, v_odeint in zip(t_pts, 
    print(f' {t:6.3f}   {v_solve_ivp:12.7f}       {v_odeint:12.7f}')
    t     v(t) [solve_ivp]    v(t) [odeint]
  0.000     10.0000000         10.0000000
  0.526      4.8421053          4.8421053
  1.053     -0.3157895         -0.3157895
  1.579     -5.4736842         -5.4736842
  2.105    -10.6315789        -10.6315789
  2.632    -15.7894737        -15.7894737
  3.158    -20.9473684        -20.9473684
  3.684    -26.1052632        -26.1052632
  4.211    -31.2631579        -31.2631579
  4.737    -36.4210526        -36.4210526
  5.263    -41.5789474        -41.5789474
  5.789    -46.7368421        -46.7368421
  6.316    -51.8947368        -51.8947368
  6.842    -57.0526316        -57.0526316
  7.368    -62.2105263        -62.2105263
  7.895    -67.3684211        -67.3684211
  8.421    -72.5263158        -72.5263158
  8.947    -77.6842105        -77.6842105
  9.474    -82.8421053        -82.8421053
 10.000    -88.0000000        -88.0000000

Differences between solve_ivp and odeint:

  • dv_dt(t, v) vs. dv_dt(v, t), i.e., the function definitions have the arguments reversed.

  • With odeint, you only specify the full array of \(t\) points you want to know \(v(t)\) at. With solve_ivp, you first specify the starting \(t\) and ending \(t\) as a tuple: (t_start, t_end) and then (optionally) specify t_eval=t_pts to evaluate \(v\) at the points in the t_pts array.

  • solve_ivp returns an object from which \(v(t)\) (and other results) can be found, while ode_int returns \(v(t)\).

  • For this single first-order equation, \(v(t)\) is returned for the \(N\) requested \(t\) points as a \(1 \times N\) two-dimensional array by solve_ivp and as a \(N \times 1\) array by odeint.

  • odeint has no choice of solver while the solve_ivp solver can be set by method. The default is method='RK45', which is good, general-purpose Runge-Kutta solver.

Second-order ODE#

Suppose we have a second-order ODE such as:

\[ \quad y'' + 2 y' + 2 y = \cos(2x), \quad \quad y(0) = 0, \; y'(0) = 0 \]

We can turn this into two first-order equations by defining a new dependent variable. For example,

\[ \quad z \equiv y' \quad \Rightarrow \quad z' + 2 z + 2y = \cos(2x), \quad z(0)=y(0) = 0. \]

Now introduce the vector

\[\begin{split} \mathbf{U}(x) = \left(\begin{array}{c} y(x) \\ z(x) \end{array} \right) \quad\Longrightarrow\quad \frac{d\mathbf{U}}{dx} = \left(\begin{array}{c} z \\ -2 y' - 2 y + \cos(2x) \end{array} \right) \end{split}\]

We can solve this system of ODEs using solve_ivp with lists, as follows. We will try it first without specifying the relative and absolute error tolerances rtol and atol.

# Define a function for the right side
def dU_dx_new(x, U):
    """Right side of the differential equation to be solved.
    U is a two-component vector with y=U[0] and z=U[1]. 
    Thus this function should return [y', z']
    return [U[1], -2*U[1] - 2*U[0] + np.cos(2*x)]

# initial condition U_0 = [y(0)=0, z(0)=y'(0)=0]
U_0 = [0., 0.]

x_pts = np.linspace(0, 15, 20)  # Set up the mesh of x points
result = solve_ivp(dU_dx_new, (0, 15), U_0, t_eval=x_pts)
y_pts = result.y[0,:]   # Ok, this is tricky.  For each x, result.y has two 
                        #  components.  We want the first component for all
                        #  x, which is y(x).  The 0 means the first index and 
                        #  the : means all of the x values.

Here’s how we did it before with odeint:

# Define a function for the right side
def dU_dx(U, x):
    """Right side of the differential equation to be solved.
    U is a two-component vector with y=U[0] and z=U[1]. 
    Thus this function should return [y', z']
    return [U[1], -2*U[1] - 2*U[0] + np.cos(2*x)]

# initial condition U_0 = [y(0)=0, z(0)=y'(0)=0]
U_0 = [0., 0.]

x_pts = np.linspace(0, 15, 20)  # Set up the mesh of x points
U_pts = odeint(dU_dx, U_0, x_pts)  # U_pts is a 2-dimensional array
y_pts_odeint = U_pts[:,0]  # Ok, this is tricky.  For each x, U_pts has two 
                           #  components.  We want the upper component for all
                           #  x, which is y(x).  The : means all of the first 
                           #  index, which is x, and the 0 means the first
                           #  component in the other dimension.

Make a table comparing results (using flatten() to make the matrices into arrays):

print('    x     y(x) [solve_ivp]    y(x) [odeint]')
for x, y_solve_ivp, y_odeint in zip(x_pts, 
    print(f' {x:6.3f}   {y_solve_ivp:12.7f}       {y_odeint:12.7f}')
    x     y(x) [solve_ivp]    y(x) [odeint]
  0.000      0.0000000          0.0000000
  0.789      0.1360331          0.1360684
  1.579      0.0346996          0.0347028
  2.368     -0.2285869         -0.2287035
  3.158     -0.0975124         -0.0974702
  3.947      0.2065854          0.2067492
  4.737      0.0927442          0.0927536
  5.526     -0.2041596         -0.2042677
  6.316     -0.0865498         -0.0865921
  7.105      0.2065843          0.2066669
  7.895      0.0832378          0.0832707
  8.684     -0.2080557         -0.2081975
  9.474     -0.0800124         -0.0799972
 10.263      0.2092958          0.2094602
 11.053      0.0766106          0.0765810
 11.842     -0.2105482         -0.2107011
 12.632     -0.0731339         -0.0731411
 13.421      0.2117964          0.2118952
 14.211      0.0696499          0.0696868
 15.000     -0.2129584         -0.2130316

Not very close agreement by the end. Run both again with greater accuracy.

relerr = 1.e-10
abserr = 1.e-10

result = solve_ivp(dU_dx_new, (0, 15), U_0, t_eval=x_pts, 
                   rtol=relerr, atol=abserr)
y_pts = result.y[0,:]    

U_pts = odeint(dU_dx, U_0, x_pts, 
               rtol=relerr, atol=abserr)  
y_pts_odeint = U_pts[:,0]   

print('    x     y(x) [solve_ivp]    y(x) [odeint]')
for x, y_solve_ivp, y_odeint in zip(x_pts, 
    print(f' {x:6.3f}   {y_solve_ivp:12.7f}       {y_odeint:12.7f}')
    x     y(x) [solve_ivp]    y(x) [odeint]
  0.000      0.0000000          0.0000000
  0.789      0.1360684          0.1360684
  1.579      0.0347028          0.0347028
  2.368     -0.2287035         -0.2287035
  3.158     -0.0974702         -0.0974702
  3.947      0.2067492          0.2067492
  4.737      0.0927536          0.0927536
  5.526     -0.2042678         -0.2042678
  6.316     -0.0865921         -0.0865921
  7.105      0.2066669          0.2066669
  7.895      0.0832707          0.0832707
  8.684     -0.2081975         -0.2081975
  9.474     -0.0799972         -0.0799972
 10.263      0.2094602          0.2094602
 11.053      0.0765810          0.0765810
 11.842     -0.2107011         -0.2107011
 12.632     -0.0731411         -0.0731411
 13.421      0.2118952          0.2118952
 14.211      0.0696868          0.0696868
 15.000     -0.2130316         -0.2130316

Comparing the results from when we didn’t specify the errors we see that the default error tolerances for solve_ivp were insufficient. Moral: specify them explicitly.