Non-physics example of using Python subclasses#

Adapted from

class Pet:
    """Base or parent class for generic pet methods"""
    def __init__(self, name, species): = name
        self.species = species

    def getName(self):

    def getSpecies(self):
        return self.species

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s is a %s" % (, self.species)

class Dog(Pet):
    """Subclass of Pet for dogs with specialized methods"""
    def __init__(self, name, chases_cats):
        Pet.__init__(self, name, "Dog")
        self.chases_cats = chases_cats

    def chasesCats(self):
        return self.chases_cats

class Cat(Pet):
    """Subclass of Pet for cats with specialized methods"""
    def __init__(self, name, hates_dogs):
        Pet.__init__(self, name, "Cat")
        self.hates_dogs = hates_dogs

    def hatesDogs(self):
        return self.hates_dogs

Let’s give the Pet class a test drive#

polly = Pet("Polly", "Parrot")
print(f'The name of the pet is {}.')
print(f'The species of the pet is {polly.species}.')

Now try the Cat subclass#

ginger = Cat("Ginger", True)
print(f'The name of the pet is {}.')
print(f'The species of the pet is {ginger.species}.')
print(f'{} hates dogs: {ginger.hatesDogs()}')

Try these!#

fido = Dog("Fido", True)
rover = Dog("Rover", False)
mittens = Cat("Mittens", True)
fluffy = Cat("Fluffy", False)