Shooting Method with Numerov Algorithm#

Authors: Dou Du, Taylor James Baird and Giovanni Pizzi

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Source code:

This notebook demonstrates the shooting method with the Numerov algorithm to search the eigenfunctions (wavefunctions) and eigenvalues for a one-dimensional quantum well.


  • Understand the mathematical method to solve the Schrödinger equation numerically and the boundary condition for the 1D quantum well.

  • Understand the Numerov algorithm and how to improve the accuracy with high order correction.

  • Know how to use the shooting method with the Numerov algorithm to get the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions.

Background theory#

More on the background theory.

Tasks and exercises#

  1. Move the sliders for the width and depth of the quantum well. Do you understand the concept of quantum confinement? Do you know any numerical method to solve the Schrödinger equation for 1D quantum well?

    Solution Please check the previous notebooks for the 1D quantum well. In that notebook, the one-dimensional Shrödinger equation was solved by numerical matrix diagonalization.
  2. With the default width (1.20) and depth (0.20), move the sliders (on the left side) to the targeted energies. Report the energy when the tail of the wavefunction on the right converge to zero (line color turns to green). Is the energy the same as the eigenvalue shown in the right plot? You can also use the “auto search” button to get the eigenvalues, which searches the next solution when increasing the energy (i.e. it searches always upwards).

    Solution The 1st eigenvalue is about 0.0092. You may need to click the "Flip eigenfunctions" button to make the comparsion. Check the exact eigenvalue by clicking on the eigenfunction in the plot.
  3. Follow the same step to get all the eigenvalues, and make a table to compare the results with the eigenvalues from the figure. Compare the results with and without using the 4th derivative correction (checkbox). Which values should be more accurate and why?

    Solution Please check the background theory section for the Numerov algorithm.

Interactive visualization#

(be patient, it might take a few seconds to load)

%matplotlib widget

from numpy import linspace, sqrt, ones, arange, diag, argsort, zeros
from scipy.linalg import eigh_tridiagonal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ipywidgets import FloatSlider, jslink, VBox, HBox, Button, Label, Layout, Checkbox, Output
import numpy as np
colors = ['#66c2a5','#fc8d62','#8da0cb','#e78ac3','#a6d854','#ffd92f'];
ixx = 0

def singlewell_potential(x, width, depth):
    x1 = ones(len(x))*depth
    for i in range(len(x)):
        if x[i] > - width/2.0 and x[i] < width/2.0:
            x1[i] =0
    return x1

def diagonalization(hquer, L, N, pot=singlewell_potential, width = 0.1, depth = 0.0):
    """Calculated sorted eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. 

         hquer: Planck constant
         L: set viewed interval [-L,L] 
         N: number of grid points i.e. size of the matrix 
         pot: potential function of the form pot
         x0: center of the quantum well
         width: the width of the quantum well
         depth: the depth of the quantum well
         ew: sorted eigenvalues (array of length N)
         ef: sorted eigenfunctions, ef[:,i] (size N*N)
         x:  grid points (arry of length N)
         dx: grid space
         V:  Potential at positions x (array of length N)
    x = linspace(-L, L, N+2)[1:N+1]                 # grid points
    dx = x[1] - x[0]                                # grid spacing
    V = pot(x, width, depth)
    z = hquer**2 /2.0/dx**2                         # second diagonals

    ew, ef = eigh_tridiagonal(V+2.0*z, -z*ones(N-1))
    ew = ew.real                                    # real part of the eigenvalues
    ind = argsort(ew)                               # Indizes f. sort. Array
    ew = ew[ind]                                    # Sort the ew by ind
    ef = ef[:, ind]                                 # Sort the columns 
    ef = ef/sqrt(np.sum(ef[0]*ef[0]*dx))            # Correct standardization 
    return ew, ef, x, dx, V

def plot_eigenfunctions(ax, ew, ef, x, V, width=1, updateTarget=True):
    """Plot of the lowest eigenfunctions 'ef' in the potential 'V (x)'
       at the level of the eigenvalues 'ew' in the plot area 'ax'.
    global lnum, lax1, lspan
    fak = sfak.value/(50.0);
    lspan = ax[0].axhspan(max(V), max(V)+0.05, facecolor='lightgrey')
    ax[0].set_xlim([min(x), max(x)])
    ax[0].set_ylim([min(V)-0.05, max(V)+0.05])
    ax[0].set_xlabel(r'$x/a$', fontsize = 10)
    ax[0].set_ylabel(r'$V(x)/V_0\ \rm{, Eigenfunctions\ with\ Eigenvalues}$', fontsize = 10)
    ax[1].set_xlim([min(x), max(x)])
    ax[1].set_ylim([min(V)-0.05, max(V) + 0.05])
    if updateTarget:
        loop1.min = min(V)-0.03
        loop1.min = int(loop1.min*100)/100.0
        loop1.value = loop1.min
        loop2.value = loop2.min
        loop3.value = loop3.min
        loop4.value = loop4.min
    #ax[1].set_ylabel(r'$\rm{\ Eigenvalues}$', fontsize = 10)
    indmax = sum(ew < max(V))                       
    if not hasattr(width, "__iter__"):           
        width = width*ones(indmax)               
    for i in arange(indmax):                     
        ax[0].plot(x, fak*ef[:, i]+ew[i], linewidth=width[i]+.1, color=colors[i%len(colors)])
        ax[1].plot(x, x*0.0+ew[i], linewidth=width[i]+2.5, color=colors[i%len(colors)])
    ax[0].plot(x, V, c='k', linewidth=1.6)
    lnum, = ax[0].plot(x, x*0 + loop1.value,'r--', linewidth=1.0)
    lax1, = ax[1].plot(x, x*0 + loop1.value,'r--', linewidth=1.0)
mu = 0.06                                            # Potential parameter
L = 1.5                                              # x range [-L,L]
N = 200                                              # Number of grid points
hquer = 0.06                                         # Planck constant
sigma_x = 0.1                                        # Width of the Gaussian function
zeiten = linspace(0.0, 10.0, 400)                    # time
Flip = False                                         # Flip the eigenfunction

swidth = FloatSlider(value = 1.2, min = 0.1, max = 2.0, description = 'Width: ')
sdepth = FloatSlider(value = 0.2, min = 0.05, max = 1.0, step = 0.05, description = 'Depth: ')
sfak = FloatSlider(value = 3.0, min = 1.0, max = 5.0, step = 0.5, description = r'Zoom factor: ')

output = Output()

update = Button(description="Show all")
flip = Button(description="Flip eigenfunction")
search = Button(description="Auto search")

order = Checkbox(value=True, description="incl. 4th derivative", indent=False,

loop1 = FloatSlider(value = -0.03, min = -0.03, max = 0.2,
                    layout=Layout(height='450px', width='30px'), step = 0.01, readout_format=".2f", orientation='vertical')
loop2 = FloatSlider(value = 0, min = 0, max = 99, 
                  layout=Layout(height='450px', width='30px'), step =1.0, readout_format='02d', orientation='vertical')
loop3 = FloatSlider(value = 0, min = 0, max = 99,
                  layout=Layout(height='450px', width='30px'), step =1.0, readout_format='02d', orientation='vertical')
loop4 = FloatSlider(value = 0, min = 0, max = 99,
                  layout=Layout(height='450px', width='30px'), step =1.0, readout_format='02d', orientation='vertical')

Leng = Label('')
Evalue = loop1.value + loop2.value/10000.0 + loop3.value/1000000.0 + loop4.value/100000000.0;
Leng.value = "Current value: " + "{:.8f}".format(Evalue)

width = 1.2
depth = 0.2
fak = 5.0

ew, ef, x, dx, V = diagonalization(hquer, L, N, width = width, depth = depth)
with output:
    global fig
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(6,6), gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [10, 1]})
    fig.canvas.header_visible = False
    fig.canvas.layout.width = "750px"

    fig.suptitle('Numerical Solution ($\psi$) of the Schrödinger Equation \n for 1D Quantum Well', fontsize = 12)
    plot_eigenfunctions(ax, ew, ef, x, V)

def Numerov(y, E, Vn, dxx):
    y = zeros(len(y));
    y[0] = 0.0;
    if Flip:
        y[1] = -0.00000001
        y[1] = 0.00000001
    k2 = 2.0/(hquer**2)*(E-Vn)*dxx*dxx;
    for i in arange(2, len(y)):
        if order.value:
            y[i] = (2*(12.0-5.0*k2[i-1])*y[i-1] - (12+k2[i-2])*y[i-2])/(12+k2[i]);
            y[i] = 2*y[i-1] - k2[i-1]*y[i-1] - y[i-2]
    return y/(sqrt(np.sum(abs(y)**2*dxx))*50.0)*sfak.value

def plot_numerov(c):
    Nn = 1000
    xx = linspace(-L, L, Nn+2)[1:Nn+1]
    dxx = xx[1] - xx[0];
    Vn = singlewell_potential(xx, width = swidth.value, depth = sdepth.value)
    yy = zeros(len(xx));
    Evalue = loop1.value + loop2.value/10000.0 + loop3.value/1000000.0 + loop4.value/100000000.0;
    yy = Numerov(yy, Evalue, Vn, dxx);
    if abs(yy[-1]) < 0.001:

    Leng.value = "Current value: " + "{:.8f}".format(Evalue)    
    lnum.set_data(xx, yy + Evalue)
    lax1.set_data(xx, xx*0 + Evalue)
def on_auto_search(b):
    Nn = 1000
    xx = linspace(-L, L, Nn+2)[1:Nn+1]
    dxx = xx[1] - xx[0];
    Vn = singlewell_potential(xx, width = swidth.value, depth = sdepth.value)
    yy = zeros(len(xx));
    Evalue = loop1.value + loop2.value/10000.0 + loop3.value/1000000.0 + loop4.value/100000000.0;
    yy = Numerov(yy, Evalue, Vn, dxx);
    increment = 0.01
    while abs(yy[-1]) > 0.001:
        tail_old = yy[-1]
        Evalue += increment;
        yy = Numerov(yy, Evalue, Vn, dxx);
        tail_new = yy[-1]
        if tail_old*tail_new < 0:
            Evalue -= increment
            increment /= 100.0
            yy = Numerov(yy, Evalue, Vn, dxx);
    Leng.value = "Current value: " + "{:.8f}".format(Evalue)        
    lnum.set_data(xx, yy + Evalue)
    lax1.set_data(xx, xx*0 + Evalue)
    loop1.value = int(Evalue*100)/100.0;
    loop2.value = int((Evalue-loop1.value)*10000); 
    loop3.value = int((Evalue-loop1.value-loop2.value/10000)*1000000);
    loop4.value = int((Evalue-loop1.value-loop2.value/10000-loop3.value/1000000)*100000000)

def on_update_click(b):
    for i in ax[0].lines:
    for i in ax[1].lines:


def on_width_change(change):
    global ew, ef, x, dx, V
    ax[0].lines = []
    ax[1].lines = []

    ew, ef, x, dx, V = diagonalization(hquer, L, N, width = swidth.value, depth = sdepth.value)
    plot_eigenfunctions(ax, ew, ef, x, V)

def on_depth_change(change):
    global ew, ef, x, dx, V
    ax[0].lines = []
    ax[1].lines = []

    ew, ef, x, dx, V = diagonalization(hquer, L, N, width = swidth.value, depth = sdepth.value)
    plot_eigenfunctions(ax, ew, ef, x, V)
    loop1.max = max(V)
def on_xfak_change(change):
    ax[0].lines = []
    ax[1].lines = []

    plot_eigenfunctions(ax, ew, ef, x, V, updateTarget=False)

def on_press(event):
    global ann, ann1, ixx
    ixx = min(enumerate(ew), key = lambda x: abs(x[1]-event.ydata))[0]
    for i in range(len(ax[1].lines)-1):
    ann = ax[0].annotate(s = 'n = ' + str(ixx+1), xy = (0, ew[ixx]), xytext = (-0.15, ew[ixx]), xycoords = 'data', color='k', size=15)
    ann1 = ax[1].annotate(s = str("{:.3f}".format(ew[ixx])), xy = (0, ew[ixx]), xytext = (-1.2, ew[ixx]+0.005), xycoords = 'data', color='k', size=9)

def on_flip_eigenfunctions(b):
    global Flip
    x = lnum.get_xdata();
    y = lnum.get_ydata();
    lnum.set_data(x, -y+2.0*y[0])
    Flip = not Flip

cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', on_press)

swidth.observe(on_width_change, names = 'value')
sdepth.observe(on_depth_change, names = 'value')
sfak.observe(on_xfak_change, names = 'value')


loop1.observe(plot_numerov, names = 'value')
loop2.observe(plot_numerov, names = 'value')
loop3.observe(plot_numerov, names = 'value')
loop4.observe(plot_numerov, names = 'value')

label1 = Label(value="Targeted eigenvalue")
label2 = Label(value="Click to flip the eigenfunction")
label3 = Label(value="(click on a state to select it)")
label4 = Label(value="(tune to zoom the eigenfunctions)")

display(HBox([VBox([label1, HBox([loop1, loop2, loop3, loop4]), Leng, search, order, label2, flip]), output]))

Set the width and depth of the quantum well:

display(HBox([swidth, sdepth]), VBox([HBox([sfak, label4]), HBox([update, label3])]))


(How to use the interactive visualization)

Interactive figures#

In the interative figure, the soild lines show the wavefunctions and their corresponding eigenvalues, which are solved by matrix diagonalization. There is a red dash line at the bottom of the figure, which shows the eigenfunction solved by Numerov algorithm.


There are four vertical sliders to control the targeted eigenvalue E. The first slider controls the precision for tenths (\(10^{-1}\)) and hundredths (\(10^{-2}\)). The second slider controls thousandths (\(10^{-3}\)) and ten thousandths decimal (\(10^{-4}\)). The third slider controls hundred thousandths (\(10^{-5}\)) and millionths (\(10^{-6}\)). The last slider controls ten millionths (\(10^{-7}\)) and hundred millionths (\(10^{-8}\)). The current value is also displayed under the sliders.

You need slowly move the 1st slider and observe the tail of the dashed line on the right edge. Once you see the tail change directions (up or down), the true value should be between these two values. You need to go back to a smaller value and start to tune the 2nd slider. Then the same procedure is for the 3rd and 4th slider. When the absolute value at the right edge is smaller than 0.001, the dashed red line will turn green. It reaches the desired accuracy for the wavefunction. Then, you can read out the current targeted value, which is the corresponding eigenvalue.

You can also use the Auto search button, which finds the closest eigenvalue and eigenfunction (search in the upward direction). In order to make a comparison, you may also need to click the Flip eigenfunctions button.